Victoire Ella Mandonnaud


Victoire Mandonnaud is a French artist born and raised between Paris and the countryside. She works with different mediums, including photography, writing, filmmaking, music and painting. Her work mainly deals with social norms, constraints and structures, making arguments for the freedom of thought and action. Currently a Junior studying Anthropology and Economics, Victoire would like to pursue a Phd in political philosophy to be able to create models for systems (i.e, governments, infrastructures, manifestations), in order to have a stronger platform from which to advance those matters.With the K=1 Project, Victoire’s main project will be to make a documentary film regarding the phycological dilemmas and historical contractions inherent to such project. Focusing on the experiences of the students and those interacting with them, she would like to depict a vision of humanity existing beyond history and conflicts, a vision of humanity in which the process of doing (with the questions that come from it) is at the core of meaningful interactions.